Segunda mano
AES puede ofrecerle una gama completa de GSE de segunda mano, ofreciendo equipos rentables en perfectas condiciones de funcionamiento.
Tractores de Equipaje
TLD JST-25G Tractor
North America
- S/N : T41987
- The JST Series towing tractors, available with a maximum draw bar pull of 2,500 daN (5,500 lbs.), are designed to tow baggage carts, towable GSE and cargo trailers
- JST tractors may be used for push back operation on small size aircraft, under certain conditions
- This unit features a heavy duty frame made of arc-welded steel plate with rear heavy cast iron body to achieve long operating life
- The tractor is available with multiple engine packages to meet various environmental conditions. The JST is ergonomically designed to provide maximum driving comfort and excellent all-round visibility