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Une société du groupe Alvest


AES Assist Fully Electric FBO

Alvest Equipment Services (AES), an Alvest Group Company, is proud to be assisting Luxaviation Group, another forward-thinking customer, to reach their goal of being the first ExecuJet FBO with fully electric owned GSE in Europe. Congratulations!!!…/ground-support-worldwide_fbo…


Seasons Greetings from AES

Alvest Equipment Services (AES) would like to take this opportunity to wish all our customers, suppliers, partners, employees and their families all the very best during this festive season.

We look forward to working with you throughout 2024 as we continue to make the aviation industry a LEANER & GREENER environment through our expansive inventory of aviation services. ??✈️

Lease Services

Alvest Equipment Services (AES) offers rental of GSE, both short term and operational lease, customized to your needs. Rental & Operational leases are provided on all types of GSE: Conventional and towbarless pushbacks, loaders, Passengers stairs, baggage tractors, belt loaders, Ground Power units (GPU’s), Air Starts…

Alvest Equipment Services (AES) can also invest in the equipment on your behalf, offering solutions such as capital expenditures financing or fleet conversion with sales and leaseback operations.

For more information, visit us at or contact us here –


AES = Complete GSE Service Providers

Alvest Equipment Services (AES), an Alvest Group company, offers a full range of services for the ground support equipment (GSE) and the airport environment, using the best combination of robust processes, a dedicated software platform and agile support of a dedicated team.

AES aims to offer tailor-made services with high-quality standards, delivered with strong technical know-how and supply chain expertise.

International GSE Expo, Las Vegas

Stand number – 1012
Event – International GSE Expo
Location – Las Vegas

Join AES along with XOPS, and the rest of the Alvest Group family, at this essential GSE Expo at the Las Vegas Convention Center from September 26 to 28, 2023.

Talk to our team about our latest rental equipment, services and electric conversion methods.
Discover how our ‘Leaner & Greener’ program can benefit the environment and improve operational efficiency while reducing expenses.

For more information on the GSE expo scan the QR Code 

International GSE Expo

Alvest Equipment Services (AES) will be exhibiting at GSE expo 2023 with XOPS – Resonate Mp4 !

The International GSE Expo will take place from September 26 to 28, 2023 in Las Vegas. 

We look forward to seeing you there !

 » booth 1012″

You can’t miss this event !

More information on the International GSE Expo :

Register now !



AES Supporting International Paris Air Show

Alvest Equipment Services (AES) at International Paris Air Show 2023 ensuring aircraft in the static display area are powered, cooled and generally show-ready.

Once again AES is providing ground support equipment and a full range of technical services to the world’s oldest and largest aviation air show.


#AlvestEquipmentServices #InternationalParisAirShow #LeanerAndGreener

International Paris Airshow 2023

Alvest Equipment Services (AES), an Alvest Group Company, is pleased to announce that it is providing essential GSE, related services and technical support to the static aircraft display at the 54th International Paris Air Show at Le Bourget airport.

#AESGSE #InternationalParisAirshow #AlvestGroupCompany


Smart Airport SystemsAERO Specialties and Alvest Equipment Services (AES) are set up and ready to receive at the MEETINGS OF FRENCH & FRANCOPHONE AIRPORTS.

Meet 3 x Alvest Group Companies offering every aspect of Ground Support Equipment and related services over this important industry event being held over 3 days.


USA’s Largest GSE Provider

AES USA has become the largest provider of ground support equipment services in the U.S. with more than 170 locations country-wide.

We offer a wide range of services, from maintenance to rental, leasing, refurbishment and electrical conversion for ground support equipment. 

We have an excellent team of dedicated GSE professionals all working together with the common goal of becoming the service provider of choice within the industry.