Rental & Operational Lease
AES offers rental of GSE, both short term and operational lease, customized to your needs. Rental & Operational leases are provided on all types of GSE: Conventional and towbarless pushbacks, loaders, Passengers stairs, baggage tractors, belt loaders, Ground Power units (GPU’s), Air Starts,…Short Term Rental
AES offers rental solutions dedicated to your short term needs, such as seasonal air passenger and freight peak seasons, short notice demands or specific events, from duration going from One day to 24 months. A large fleet is available for rental, in perfect operational condition and ready to be delivered to your location.
Operational Lease
Sales & lease Back
With operational lease, AES provides flexible and cash effective leasing solutions. Duration of the contract is tailored to your needs, and high quality maintenance services can be added and combined with rental for a full service leasing.
AES is also able to invest in the equipment on your behalf, offering solutions such as capital expenditures financing or fleet conversion with sales and lease back operations.